Name of Film: Blossom/Bloesem
Screening Time: Saturday, July 24 at 5:00pm - Shorts: Sometimes About Love
Name and Position of Filmmakers: Tess Löwenhardt, Writer/Director
Total Runtime: 26 minutes
Genre: Drama
Afanai (22), is unable to speak. She feels rejected by society. In
response she stays home. She makes a living selling necklaces through
the Internet. Her mailman Jan, who takes her packages to the post
office, becomes ill. The new mailman, Sem (26), of course knows
nothing of their agreement. Afanai tries to ask him for help. But
because of communication problems this only creates a conflict. Afanai
realises something has to change, and that she can only change
herself, so she does. Sem takes her packages and becomes intrigued by
Afanai. He becomes a gateway between her and society.
Website: tesslowenhardt.com
Country of Production: The Netherlands
Country of Filmming: The Netherlands
Date of Completion: 03/29/2009
Other Festivals:
Palm Springs, Cannes, Red Rock, Batumi Int. Arthouse Film Fest, Film
Front, SCENECS, Ronde Venen Open, Flicks Int. Student Film Fest.
Awards: Audience Award: Red Rock. Audience Award: Flicks Int. Student Film
Fest. Jury Prize: Batumi Int. Arthouse Film Fest. Gold: Ronde Venen
Open. Silver: 4XF Fest. Bronze: Film Front Fest. Winton Train Contest:
Jury Prize: Outstanding Film. Audience Award: Ronde Venen Open.
Press: Loads but most in Dutch. Radio and TV interviews also international.
Premiere Status: East Coast/Florida Premiere.
Is this a student film? Is so, which school?
Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU, The Netherlands)
Is there profanity, nudity, violence, gore, etc? No, there is none.
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